Discover rest, renewal, and joy
in sacred, beautiful places.
At Finding Your Thinplace, we believe in sharing experiences that will enliven your heart, encourage your joy, and help refill your cup.
Why join a Finding Your Thinplace Pilgrimage?
A pilgrimage is an invitation to grow closer to yourself and God. It’s about embracing the journey and appreciating the people, places, and interruptions along the way. On Pilgrimage we let God surprise us. Unlike traditional travel, a pilgrimage means saying yes to change and being open to transformation. You engage deeply with the people and place, welcome the unfamiliar, and find beauty in what is different. A Finding your Thinplace Pilgrimage is about experience not just more information.
Why join a Finding Your Thinplace Retreat?
Our retreats offer you a chance to escape to beautiful places where rest, reconnection, and discovery are the focus. Designed to immerse you in experiences that nurture your spirit, Thinplace Retreats offer you a permission slip to rest, helping you reconnect with yourself and God,
About Lilly Lewin
Lilly Lewin has curated and transformed worship for churches ranging from small Episcopalian to contemporary mega churches for more than two decades. She now hosts Thinplace, a house church gathering both in person and online, where she uses art, lectio divina, and silence to help people connect with God.
Lilly has also curated the Sanctuary Space at the National Youth Workers Convention (Youth Specialties) and co-authored Sacred Space: A Hands-On Guide to Creating Multisensory Worship Experiences. She finds joy in revitalizing liturgy and helping people discover the beauty of God outside traditional church settings. Lilly loves Jesus, dark chocolate, and her husband Rob. Though she lives in Nashville, TN, her heart is in Scotland.