Finding Your Thinplace

In California Wine Country

The Bishop’s Ranch
Healdsburg, CA

February 2024

Finding Your Thinplace

On A Scottish Pilgrimage

Oban and Iona

August 28-
September 4, 2023

Finding Your
Thinplace Retreat

It’s an opportunity:

to rediscover your passion;
to reconnect with your deepest self that gets lost in the busyness of regular life;
to slow down, rest and reconnect with yourself and your God; all this, in places of beauty; because beauty heals us.

Finding Your Thinplace Retreats and Pilgrimages are about community and participation, because we all need an experience, not more information.. Our dream is to enliven your heart, and encourage your joy and help you refill your cup. We will be a small group of like-minded pilgrims who journey together.
Join us today!

What’s a thinplace?

Thinplace: the Celtic Christian term for the places where heaven and earth seem to touch, places where the veil between heaven and earth are thin. Thinplaces are places where we can and do experience The Holy more easily.

Curator and Guide
Lilly Lewin


Lilly is a worship curator, artist and creator of sacred space experiences. For over twenty years, Lilly has created and curated experiential worship internationally at conferences, retreats and for local churches. She leads a house church called thinplace both in Nashville and online. She is the co-author of the book, Sacred Space, and writes a weekly blog post called FreerangeFriday at and is the curator of Lilly is lover of Jesus, good coffee, dark chocolate and believes that #RestisHoly.

"Lilly intuitively sets a table for people to feast on the beauty and mystery of the divine."

Mike King
President of Youthfront,
Kansas City, KS

"Lilly is simply one of the most prayerfully creative people I know."

Rev. Martin Poole
Worship Coordinator Greenbelt Festival,
St. Luke's Prestonville, UK

Take a Look at Our Adventures

“Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly.” Matthew 11:28-30, The Message.